Probweb BitLocker,Computer,Files,Hard Disk,Tools How lock or unlock your Hard Drive, Pen Drive or any media Device

How lock or unlock your Hard Drive, Pen Drive or any media Device

If you do not want to show your Computer files to other, you can lock your Disk drive without any Software or tools. In the Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Have a new tool that’s name is BitLocker Drive Encryption. this tool is very easy to use and this is very powerful tools for computer user for keep distance to their children or friends from their personal files. You can use this tool too. How I will tell you about the uses of this tool so lets get started. I will tell you step by step.

In the first step go to your PC or My Computer by double click on the icon of Computer in your Desktop and then right click on the Drive that you want to lock. and click on Turn of BitLocker. It will lock your hard disk and other media devices such as SD Card, Pen Drive You can see the following screen Shot.

After Right click on your Chosen Device then Click on Turn on BitLocker, this is the tool that can lock your device and choose a password for your Device here are three options for your First – Use a password to Unlock the Drive, Second – Use my smart card to unlock the Drive and three is Automatically Unlock this drive on this computer you can choose one are more options in by check them.

After Entering your password and confirm the password click on Next button, Now your Drive will be lock in the next window you can save your recovery key for future use and this very important so save this recovery key in a safe place on your computer or you can save it on your Flash drive and then click on Next Button and in the next window.

Now Click on Start Encrypting Button and wait for some time. After Some time your Drive Will be Lock and no body can open your encrypted Drive if you want to open it just enter your password and open your Drive. By this tool you can keep out other users of Your Computer.

How to Remove BitLocker Lock from Your Drive
If you want to Remove Bitlocker Lock from your Drive so its very simple just go to the Control Panel of Your PC and then click on BitLocker Drive Encryption and then choose On / Off BitLocker for your Drive. Thanks for this posts

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